The “Extra” Goodies

So far we have talked about setting up preorders, formatting, publishing choices, editing, cover design…but what about the fun little extras? The things that can help your book stand out. Or maybe help with the promo when it comes to preorders and creating hype around your story.

Let’s talk about those extras now! These might include bookmarks, stickers, character art, maps for your fantasy story. These are definitely not things to consider holding off until last minute because otherwise they will never happen or might not be able to be produced in time. First off- this is where that budget comes into play again. Especially if your book is the first in a series, it is important to be realistic about how much you spend on the promo but even more so, that what you choose can be easily created and produced when you need it.

I actually did a poll to see what readers loved to receive for preorder campaigns. The top answers were: character art, stickers, and bookmarks. Other comments were pencils with quotes, tote bags, and bookish sweatshirts/shirts. Those last two will be a dream for sure that future me can hope for. Until then, I started to shop around for quotes on prices and turn around times for production of character art, stickers and bookmarks. I may have even looked at the pencils too and those were surprisingly not out of the budget.

Let’s chat first about the map. Because my book is a second world fantasy, I knew I would need to have a professional map. Fiverr had a few options for the map and character art but in the end for the map I went with someone I found through instagram. When I have my finished piece and can more openly talk about the process with them, I will also share contact info. Until then, I’ll hold off a little longer. What drew me to them, besides their expertise, was that they actually send me a hand drawn map as well as a digital one to use in both my e-book and print copies. Another place to look would be Reedsy. They have reputable artists and options as well but the price can be a touch steeper.

Now back to preorder goodies!

Character Art was something that I wanted to produce for a postcard to be sent out to preorder individuals but also for giveaways and such. I wanted to be realistic on costs. I looked through artists portfolio to see if I thought they could create a rendition of my character and a certain scene that wouldn’t be too much of a spoiler but also I had envisioned in a certain way since it first was written on the page. Before you contact an artist, have an idea of what you’re looking for and even more so, make sure you can describe your character and all really well so that it cuts down on how many edits the artist needs to do. The more information the better. They might be able to help you out in some things if stuck on exactly what you want. Depends on the artist.

Here’s what I’m looking at currently looking at doing. The plan is to keep it realistic for book one with the idea that I can hopefully have a bit more of a push when it comes to the release of book two with maybe a tote bag in a giveaway with the books and such. We shall see. When readers get free goodies though, they are always more inclined to take advantage of a preorder campaign—especially if it is a book they were already going to purchase. I have character art postcard all ready to go. A bookmark under production myself on Canva, and I am currently considering trope stickers. That way they fit with the book but individuals will still be likely to use them. There is a chance of pencils with a quote.

Final Note. I know this is where the excitement can come into play. The idea to spend all the money too, not only see your book come alive in other forms of media, but to share all the fun goodies. Don’t forget that pesky budget though. If anything so you can continue to produce awesome books and share great things in future preorder campaigns. Of course, your decisions might be different than mine. Your priorities might be different and that’s great! You do you! Just make sure to not leave it for later so you’re able to get those things taken care of before all the craziness of release time comes.

Either way, here are a few resources:

Find the Creators:

Instagram- start looking at character art you love and reach out to artists with open commissions! Check out their websites for pricing and information.







Canva Bookmarks

Canva Stickers

Custom Pencils

Inkarnate for Maps

I am not affiliated or receive payment for promotion for any of the above sites. These are just resources I have found helpful and useful in my process.


Writing the Blurb


Setting up Book Pre-orders